Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I stepped outside yesterday into a cool early-autumn evening.  It was on the verge of being chilly and you could smell the rain on the wind.  In my view it was simply perfect - a true gift from Nature.  I was listening to Michelle Mays singing "Selu" and for a few moments I was transported back to an earlier time.  It's funny the things that can do that.  Michelle is an old friend of mine and listening to her music makes me feel like she's right there with me.  Michelle and I enjoyed that perfect moment of Fall weather together, although she does not know it.

Scent is like that too.  Yes, I've read the research that says there is no link between scent and memory, but my experience is the opposite.  I can't imagine anything else that would trigger my memory the way that scent does.  If your family is anything like mine, then the smell of food can open the flood gates in your mind and return you to 100 places from your past.  For me, the smells from a bakery are like a walk down memory lane.

Music and scent can both take us back to places from long ago or transport us to distant lands in the blink of an eye

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